The NO JUNK rummage sale hosted by ACROBATICS EVERYDAY is this Saturday!
1. NO JUNK is a totally free and open rummage/craft sale. you (any one in the world) can bring anything in the world that is not like, drugs or weapons and sell/trade to anyone in the world.
2. if you want to sell stuff, email acrobaticseveryday@gmail.com, or just show up. bring a blanket or towel to designate your space.
3. here is a map of what is going on: http://acrobaticseveryday.com/images/mason_map.jpg
4. this will start at noon sharp
5. 8 artists will be playing music thru the day, without any power from outlets. they rule, check them out on the event page.
6. come with positive attitude, chill hard, listen to tunes, buy some cool shit (or don't)
7. there will be a FREE PILE which will exactly that: a pile of stuff that is free for the taking. this is where you will want to bring that box of magazines you have sitting around in your room that you don't know what to do with but can't throw away but can't really sell or do anything with. or anything. put it here, let someone who feels like they can use it take it.
8. bring foods to eat if you want to. there are charcoal bbqs in the park. acrobatics will be grillin up some food for cheap but you are free to bring anything. if you bring booze, don't make it obvious because we will get kicked out pretty fast (this is irvine).
Some things I will be bringing to sell/trade/barter
Vintage Scwinn Varsity road bike
Argus Argoflex twin lens camera
1930s Pathe movie camera
Nikkormat 35mm SLR camera
Hamster cage & accessories
Cigar boxes
Clothes & hats
Felted crafts
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